Musicals have been a symbol of creative expression for many students at Southeast over the years. Often times, contributors find themselves giving it their all and challenging themselves to make the whole musical come together. Last year, the theater department performed Mary Poppins, and this year they will be performing Cinderella. So much time and energy is put into these musicals in order to ensure smooth production, and oftentimes students put a substantial amount of effort into preparing for even the auditions.
Auditions begin Feb. 6 and last through the 9th, a week many students, like sophomore Hana Pham, have made note of.
“I’m actually preparing for a few auditions at the moment, and I’m not going to lie, stress levels are soaring,” said Pham. “I put the amount of time in until I get to a point where I feel confident and prepared.”
A majority of students look for ways they can succeed and ensure that their hard work pays off come audition time.
“Be prepared,” said Theater Director Carol Svoboda. “The music, acting and dancing are all challenging.”
When asked to give advice to fellow students auditioning, Pham said, “I’m actually super excited for this audition. Every audition I’ve been to has been a blast. My advice is to have fun with it, and if you don’t feel confident, try out anyways.”
Students who have never stepped into the theatre environment and are interested are encouraged to audition.
“In a way I kind of stumbled into theater, and I don’t think what I did was a big part in it anyway, but I kind of fell in love with it,” said Pham. “I love being with people that are all working towards the same thing. I love being able to improve myself, because every second spent is so educational and fun at the same time.”
More information on the musical auditions can be found posted at the box office outside the Jennifer L. Dorsey-Howley Performing Arts Center.
Afrah • Feb 8, 2017 at 12:22 AM
Show stopping. Moving. Brilliant. A truly remarkable piece. I will now bippity boppity boop my way into musical auditions, using the best advice I was given. "Be prepared." – senior quote