By: Jack Wilford | Photo Editor

Students, dressed head to toe in their finest, gathered at the Lincoln Station Great Hall. With tickets in hand, they shuffled inside, ready to party the night away.
The theme for 2017 was A Knight in the Spotlight. Large cut outs were placed in the Hall featuring icons from The Great Gatsby, like Gatsby’s bright yellow car.
As Prom drew to a close it was time to announce who won Prom Royalty. The nominees gathered on stage, and as the couples were called the royalties from last year that placed the same as them passed on there sashes to the new royalties. The king and queen were announced last with last years winners Senior Brennan Splichal and Meredith Enerson passing on crown and tiara on to the 2017 winners Prom King Shea Koolen, and Prom Queen Tinsae Tessma
What is it like to be Prom King or Queen? According to this year’s winners nothing really has changed for them.
“I honestly don’t feel that different it’s just nice to have that. My brother was homecoming king so I wanted it to be at the same level as him,” said Tessma
The candidates have been tasked since the week before prom to get there fellow students to vote for them.
“I didn’t get people to vote for me, people just voted for me,” said Koolen
There was no key the Royalties used to get there fellow students to vote for them, but their peers voted for them anyways.
Unlike Cinderella, once the clock struck midnight, the party continued as Prom go-ers changed out of their nice clothes and into more comfortable clothes for Post Prom.
“I didn’t like bubble soccer I didn’t play it even though I signed up to,” said Tessma
Bubble soccer involved everything that a normal soccer game include, but all the players were inside giant bubbles. The only difference between the two sports was that opponents could knock over each other to get to the ball.
Students could participate in a variety of activities from mini golf to bubble soccer. If a student won an attraction they were rewarded with prizes that ranged from snakes with hats to glow in the dark slime. Besides prizes, tickets were handed out so students could enter a raffle to win gift cards, and even some flat screen TV’s.
Once the 4 o’clock came around most students were exhausted, and on there way home to sleep off all the excitement that was prom night.
Prom night allowed students to have a change of scenery for one night that helped make some of the best memories of students high school careers.
“The fact that there are two proms that I’ll ever get to go to, [allows me to] make the most of it, and just have fun,” said Koolen.