Kicking into this season: A look at soccer tryouts
March 9, 2018
The short green grass rustled across the field from a cool spring breeze. Patches of mud dotted the field where too many cleats had smashed the grass from running across the field. Tiny orange cones scattered the grass and 20 different soccer girls dribbled the ball around the cones. All of them sported Lincoln Southeast High School’s colors, black and gold, and their player number on the back of the jersey. The excitement in the air was prominent as everyone present had just made Southeast’s soccer team.
Tryouts for Southeast’s soccer teams were held Feb. 26 through March 1. Tryouts lasted about 30 minutes each day and took place at either Hawthorne or Seacrest Fields. The first day of tryouts was skill day where people that tried out were tested on their skills, like shooting, cone work, and crossing. At the end of each day, players got placed into groups depending on how well they did. For the next three days, the different groups played soccer games against each other and were tested on how well they could control the ball, handle themselves in a game, and communicate with other team members.
Reserve soccer player and sophomore Morgan Weier , expressed how she felt when she made the team, “I was really excited because it might be my last year [playing] and some of my other friends and some of the girls that were on reserve last year made it again.”
Sophomore Amber Klems had a similar feeling when she made the reserve team. “When I saw my number, my heart stopped. I felt really excited and happy and called all my friends who made the team as well.”
Talking about how soccer affects her personal life, Weier said, “It gives you something extra to do and lots of people around you that enjoy the same thing and you’re all doing it for a purpose.”
Reserve soccer has their first game over spring break. Weier is excited to start and to see how far she’s come since last year and to work on her new skills. “I’m a defender, so I want to be able to get my body in front of the ball, not let the team get it to the other side, and pass it to my teammates so we can shoot.”
Klems says she looks forward to this soccer season and going to different games as well.
“I get to meet new people and each time it’s a new experience and again it’s really fun, especially when we have away games,” said Klems.
Each team has about 20 people and they practice everyday after school. Weier stresses that good team chemistry and being able to work together is key to having a successful game. “If you know the person then it’s easier to communicate and get your point across,” said Weier. Once you’ve played with a team for a while you know how they play and how their positions work.”
Klems puts a lot of value on being on a team, “In soccer, your team is like your family because you guys bond so much and it feels like a second family.”
As tryouts have concluded, be sure to go out and support your LSE soccer teams, as they are filled with many talented and hard working players.