As summer comes to an end and school starts to roll around, all students wait for their schedules to upload. Some students worry about socializing and making new friends, while others are nervous to see...
From nurses, to doctors, to surgeons, all those in the medical field display immense dedication and diligence to their job. This has been an inspiration to many young students who find themselves eager...
Numerous weeks of voluntary torture, but at what cost? Chemotherapy seems like a painful and never ending treatment, but it often results in the halt of cancerous cell division. Ethan Van Winkle went through...
Hopping into a brand new car, you can feel the smooth steering wheel while sitting on the leather seats. Extending your arm over, you grab the buckle and secure it while the car starts. Contemplating where...
Art; a word that has so many meanings and interpretations. But how do you summarize it? Some might say art is only paintings and drawings, others may include things like dances and songs as art. Overall,...
As you stroll through the Food Truck event in downtown Lincoln, happy chatter and mouth-watering smells waft out of each food truck you pass. Sniffing the air, colorful aromas of various spices surround...
A high five. A fist bump. A smile. A “Go team!” The hallways of Lincoln Southeast (LSE) bustle with student interactions. Some that stand out the most are ones between special education students...
Walking up to the gold-tinted stage, a singer and guitarist sets up her mic and sits down on a chair. Although filled with nerves, she takes a deep breath and sets her passion for music and performance...
At 883 feet long and 92 feet wide, the Titanic was an engineering wonder at the turn of the century. The ship contained an immense floor plan that amazed passengers. With high standards of dining, the...
It’s that time of year again; when the leaves begin to turn shades of copper and gold, and a crisp breeze greets you every time you walk outside. Along with this highly anticipated season comes aisles...
Kiara Jordan knew all her work, practice and time built up to this one, colossal moment. Nervous energy filled her body as she waited for the announcement that determined if her performance was good enough...