Feature Friday: Louise Ranglack is Struck with passion to experience the new

Feature Friday: Louise Ranglack is Struck with passion to experience the new

Lilly Penner, Staff Writer

It began with a passion to experience something new, and a desire to further her English for future opportunities. 

German foreign exchange student Louise Ranglack (11) is currently attending Southeast. 

She got involved right away by joining the cross country team.

She describes this experience as a challenge as she hadn’t done sports for almost a year. Jumping in was difficult to adjust to as practice was held every day except for Sundays.

Overall, participating in cross country was a great way for Ranglack to find a lot of friends, as everyone was so kind and caring. 

When the season concluded, she was sad yet optimistic to participate this winter and spring in soccer, which she has played back in Germany for eight years. 

Cross country was not the only novel experience for her. American schooling is also an adjustment. 

“School [in America] is easier, it’s more like socializing in school,” she said. 

Ranglack explains that in Germany you come to school to study and learn things, saving socializing for after school. America, she says, has more of a focus on being social and on school spirit with sports being very popular. 

Ranglack also noticed differences in  the electives we provide such as photography, pottery and painting. Ranglack’s school back home offers only STEM classes. 

Beyond school Ranglack found Americans to be quite different. 

“The food here is a lot more fast food,” Ranglack said. 

She has tried mac in cheese, which she wasn’t a big fan of, but tacos are something she enjoys.

She found that the food she misses most in Germany is bread. 

“I miss European bread. Everything is like toast here,” Ranglack said. 

Although she doesn’t know what she wants to do, Ranglack is excited to challenge herself to experience something new.