Ending Period Poverty One Tampon At a Time


Carmin Sims, Copy Editor

Every year, LSE’s Feminist Club hosts an annual Tampon Drive. The goal of this event is to raise donations of menstrual products such as pads and tampons, as well as monetary donations from students and staff to be given to those in need. This year, the event took place from March 27 – 31, and was able to raise $307.26 in monetary donations. The club received 4,115 menstrual donations as well.

In the past eight years of hosting this event, Feminist Club would ask teachers if they wanted to be a part of the drive, and if so, they would be given a donation bag for students to place their donated products. This year, however, every teacher was given a donation bag in order to increase the chances of collecting more products to donate. Possible donations include tampons, pads, liners, menstrual cups and period underwear, but tampons and pads are the most common donations. 

Feminist Club partners with an organization called Tower of Tampons, who dispense the donations among multiple different charities such as People’s City Mission, Friendship Home, and Lincoln Public Schools. Tower of Tampons aims to provide easier accessibility of necessary hygiene products for those who menstruate. They do this by distributing donations of menstrual hygiene products to organizations, schools and homeless shelters to be given to those in need. 

Feminist Club sponsor and LSE English teacher Madison Hilbert finds that the Tampon Drive has almost always reached the goal amount of donations set by members of the club. The usual amount raised is around 4,000-6,000 donations and about $200, and going above this amount was a hope for this year’s drive.

“Each year we are consistently surprised and pleased with the outpouring of support for the fundraiser,” Hilbert said.

With obstacles such as stigmas and the general lack of available resources for those who are homeless or low-income, the Tampon Drive has been a valuable aid to those in need. For those who menstruate, period products are an absolute necessity. Feminist Club wants to make a change in the accessibility and high pricing of these products. Not only does this event raise donations, but it is also an attempt to raise awareness about the stigmas around periods and the menstrual process itself.

“The drive helps raise awareness for period poverty and to destigmatize periods,” Hilbert said. “A health condition that half the world experiences on a daily basis.”