What you need to know before you watch “Avengers: Infinity War”: Infinity Stones

Seth Householder, Copy Editor

The Infinity Stones

These are the most powerful objects in the universe that cannot be held by a mere mortal, and their combined power is enough to do whatever the user wants, whether it be finally winning a game of Fortnite or obliterating half the universe. There are six of these objects and each one is unique, in powers and color.

The first Infinity Stone introduced into the MCU was the Space Stone, also known as the blue one, in Captain America: The First Avenger (2011), where it was used to create weapons for the villains. It was then lost for a few years after Captain America flew a plane into the Atlantic to save the United States of which it fell out of, then Howard Stark, Iron Man’s dad, found it and began experimenting on it with S.H.I.E.L.D. The Space Stone resurfaced in The Avengers and was used by Loki to open a portal to space that he brought an alien army through. So, the Space Stone’s powers are that it is able to open portals to anywhere.

The second Infinity Stone introduced into the MCU was the Mind Stone, the yellow one. It was first seen within Loki’s staff that he used to make people do his bidding in The Avengers and later used to create the Ultron A.I. in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Ultron then used the Mind Stone to create his “next form” in Vision, planting the Mind Stone directly on his forehead, and there it has resided until Thanos eventually rips it out. The Mind Stone’s powers are a bit convoluted but let’s just say that it can control minds, shoot lasers, adjust densities, and serve as a nice piece of jewelry.

The third Infinity Stone was the Reality Stone, the one that’s not really a stone but more of a liquid that’s red. It was introduced in Thor: The Dark World (2013) as the object that the main villain wanted. Then at the end of the movie, it’s given to the Collector (basically a space hoarder but more classy) for his collection, and that’s where it is to this day. The Reality Stone can kind of distort reality and possess people.

Number four: the Power Stone, the purple one. First and last seen in Guardians of the Galaxy, it was the object that everyone was after and the Guardians had. By the end of the movie, it resides with the galactic police force, the Nova Corps. It can produce blasts and chaos in general, and if touched to the surface of a planet, it will destroy it.

The fifth and final stone that has been introduced, the Time Stone, aka the green one. Introduced in Doctor Strange (2016), the Time Stone is encased within the Eye of Agamotto, which Doctor Strange wears around his neck. The Time Stone, as hinted at in the name, can turn time backwards, forwards, pause it, create time loops, and so on.

Then there’s another stone, the Soul Stone, which hasn’t been introduced yet, even though there are no movies left to introduce it in. In an Infinity War prequel comic, it is said to be the most powerful of all the Infinity Stones. Although we don’t know where it is, fans have created numerous theories to where it is, most revolving around either Wakanda or Heimdall from Thor (2010).