Shirettes: Behind the scenes of 2018-2019 tryouts


Chloe Heller, Co-Editor-in-Chief

The Shirettes dance team is the prime halftime show, often the crowd’s favorite pep rally performers, and have an incredible competition team that has been a staple to Lincoln Southeast’s culture for decades. Every year in the spring, tryouts for next year’s dance team are held at the school, and the upcoming team is formed.

Current senior captain Peyton Rhode was the one who created this year’s tryout dance and thought the whole process was very welcoming. “We always work with everyone, no matter your dance level, and tryouts are definitely very serious,” Rhode said.

Rhode first tried out for Shirettes when she was a incoming junior, which put her on the team for two years. “I was super nervous. I was definitely freaking out, but it turned out to be fine!”

The senior captain is sure that she will miss the team very much after she graduates from high school this May. “I always thought that I wasn’t going to miss it because I was ready to leave, but during the reveal, where we reveal the new team, we all went in to do our shug (where they hop in a circle before they dance) and it was really bittersweet because that was the last time I was going to do it. But, it was really exciting for the new girls.”

Going along with this bittersweet moment, Rhode leaves behind a piece of advice for future and current Shirettes: “Soak up every minute you have because four years goes by super fast. Just enjoy every moment!”

Rhode will be attending Nebraska Wesleyan University where she will study nursing and be on the dance team. Wish her and the rest of the Shirettes good luck as they get ready for the upcoming year!